a b c
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Signals and Waveforms



Circuit Delay

Circuits with State(e.g. register)


S = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i ++)
S = S + Xi;

Register is used to hold up the transfer of data to adder.
When reset line is asserted or goes one, the register will be reset.

Register Details Flip-flops

一个 n 位寄存器实际上是 n 个 1 位触发器。
D input is Data, Q is output
这些也叫做 D-type Flip-Flop

上升沿触发(rising edge-triggered)

当它从 0 变为 1 时,就会触发。
On the rising edge of the clock, the input d is sampled and transferred to the output. At all other times, the input d is ignored.

q 中刚开始的阴影部分代表可能是 1 也可能是 0。红色部分是因为存在一定延迟。

Example(more detail)

Accumulator Revisited

  • Reset signal shown.
  • Also, in practice X might not arrive to the adder at the same time as $S_{i-1}$
  • $S_i$ temporarily is wrong(底下阴影部分), but register always captures correct value.
  • In good circuits, instability never happens around rising edge of clk.
Clock(CLK) steady square wave that synchronizes system
Setup Time when the input must be stable before the rising edge of the CLK
Hold Time when the input must be stable after the rising edge of the CLK
CLK-to-Q Delay — how long it takes the output to change, measured from
the rising edge of the CLK
Flip-flop ont bit of state that samples every rising edge of the CLK
Register several bits of state that samples on rising edge of CLK or on

Finite State Machines(FSM) 有限状态机

Example: 3 ones


Hardware Implementation of FSM

PS Input NS Output
00 0 00 0
00 1 01 0
01 0 00 0
01 1 10 0
10 0 00 0
10 1 00 1